Gettin’ Started: My Consultation Process

Ever heard the phrase “look before you leap”? Well, my four-step consultation process  will help us do just that: get to know each other better, and on a deeper level, than most interviews. Why? Because discerning as much info about each other up front can help us both decide if we will be a good fit together. Hopefully, it will also help prevent miscommunications or problems later on. Good news is – if there is a problem, we’ve already discussed how it may be handled!

It’s inevitable that I can’t get along with everyone. If we’re not an ideal fit, then it’s best for both of us to know that sooner rather than later. This free assessment should take you about 15 minutes to fill out, and it will help us decide if we connect well enough to move forward through the rest of my process. If not, that’s OK! You’ll walk away with a better understanding of what you’re looking for in a Virtual Assistant to help you on your search.

Back in the day, neighbors would catch up on their front porches. This call tries to recreate that laid-back feeling of shootin’ the breeze. It’s about 15-30 minutes, and is meant to see how we initially connect. That means no work talk! We get to know each other, our backgrounds, experiences, hobbies, or interests. I want to know more about you personally, and give you a peek inside my life as well. If we feel comfortable moving forward, I’ll invite you to Sit a Spell.

Southern hospitality 101: if you want to talk with someone for a while you ask them to come “sit a spell”. This call is around 60 minutes since we are getting more in-depth here. It’s where I really want to hear about your business and what you are wanting to achieve. I want to know where you’re unhappy with your business or personal life, where you may be stuck, and what you may have been procrastinating on. I also want to get to know about your goals for your business and your life, so we can start brainstorming on how to get you there if we move forward. This is where I also get to tell you about my practice, how it works, and how I help my clients. If we’re both in agreement things are looking well, we’ll move onto Takin’ Our Sweet Time.

A favorite Southernism for taking longer to get somewhere smile You can think of this as getting down to the “nitty gritty”. This call lasts around 60-90 minutes and we are touching on subjects that get into the core of our working together. Often partnerships fail because the participants don’t take the time (or are hesitant) to discuss how they will work together and what the partnership means to both of them.  Sorting things out now will help our relationship in the long run.  Will we “Do Launch”?

After getting to know each other so well, we decide whether to work together or not. If we’re both ready to go, I’ll send you my Welcome Packet to fill out. When I receive that back with your Onboarding Fee and first month’s retainer, we’ll set up a Launch Call so I can get access and permissions to anything you need me to have, add me to collaboration tools, etc. The length of this call shouldn’t be too long – but it will depend on how long it takes me to get logged into everything smile

Ready to get started?

Simply click below to get the Assessment sent to you!